Friday, February 22, 2013

President's Day

President's Day was fun for my 1st graders.  We learned a lot about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. After they listen and read stories about them, watch videos and power points, and listen to me talk about my favorite President they choose 3 facts about each President they have learned.  Below is a picture of the first part of the project they create for displaying their new found learning.  I used cut pieces of black yarn for the beard.  They had a blast gluing that on and it actually wasn't very messy.  Some kids used a lot of yarn and some didn't. Everything you see was traced by the students except the eyes.  I bought googly eyes at Wal-Mart.  After the students write their 3 facts on 3 different cards, they will attach them to Lincoln's hat. A picture of the George Washington example is on my Pinterest page.  It wasn't my idea so I didn't want to put it on my blog.


  1. What a cute lincoln! Have you read the story Lincoln's hat? Its a great one to read with the kids and they love brainstorming ideas of what they would put in their hats!

    1. I love that story!! Some years that is the only thing they remember about Lincoln other than he was killed by John Wilkes Booth.

  2. Ha Ha!! I love Abe's beard. It is so cute. I can see my students really getting into making his beard.
    Thanks for the idea!

    1. They loved it and it really wasn't as messy as I thought it would be.

  3. Oh, this is a terrific activity for President's Day! I know the kids must have had fun making the beard! Thanks for sharing your creativity. I'm looking forward to seeing more on your blog.
    Oh, How Pintearesting!

  4. They did have a lot of fun. I need to add the picture now that they've added the 3 index cards of learning to the hat. I told them since he kept his important papers in his hat we'd keep our important learning about him there too. They giggled.
