Sunday, November 24, 2013

Handy Dandy Anchor Charts

Here are some various anchor charts I've been using with my kiddos.  I hope you find one or two that might help you out or give you some inspiration.

I researched and found different text that my students read and gathered information from about the relationship between colonists and Native Americans.  From that research they got into groups and discussed what would be benefits and conflicts.  From there they put into charts what was a benefit for both groups and a conflict for both groups.  This was a great eye opening lesson for them.

This is the chart we made back at the beginning of the year that they use every time they get into groups or present information.

I researched and found information on the three types of government shown below.  I put the students into groups and allowed them to read the research to find out the characteristics of each kind of government.  They then put those characteristics onto sticky notes and then this chart.

My school district requires teachers to give students bell ringers for each class coming through the door.  I also require a reflection.  This is what I use to make sure they understood what I just taught them.  This is the chart I had hanging up so the students could see what they needed to do in order to receive the points for each day.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Shout Out

If you have not been to this TpT store then you have to go check it out!  Her clip art is amazing and her customer service is above and beyond the call of duty.  Go take a look and pin something for her!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Arkansas History Projects!!

I'm nervous and excited!  Tomorrow my 7th graders will be presenting their Arkansas History projects to the students in our school.  This is the first type of project presentation like this I've ever done so I'm nervous.  I took some pictures to share with you all.

Each group was given a topic to research, create a brochure as a handout, and a board to spark someone's attention.

They had so much fun painting these!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Feeling like a GIVEAWAY!!!

I've given 4 away so 1 to go!!!!

I have several different themes for my bingo games, and I'd like to offer the first 5 people their choice for a free bingo game.  

I have 2 addition bingo games and 2 number bingo games.  

Please take a look and decide which one you'd like.  When you've made your choice you can leave a comment, email me at mamapearson76@gmail, and then I'll email it to you for FREE!  
I hope you enjoy!

click on the pictures below to see more information

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Keeping Students in School

As a new middle school teacher I've tried to think of new ways to keep my students motivated to come to school.  I introduced this idea to my students this year and they love it.  Sickness has kept them from earning their first reward, but they talk about coming to school to try to get their prize.  I have a feeling that this will be a GREAT motivator in the spring when everyone would rather be outside.

If you're interested in this click the picture to find out a little more about it.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Well, I survived my first parent/teacher conferences as a new 5-8 social studies teacher.  I spent the entire time with parents without so much as time for the restroom.  We started at 2:45 and my last parent left at 7:45.  What a night!!
I really believe having a breakdown of student grades was the most beneficial thing I had ready for the night.  

What have you found that really helps you make parent/teacher conferences go smoothly?